Getting to Know: Jaguar Jonze

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How’s life in Brisbane?

Are you insinuating something? BRISBANE IS JUST FINE. Nah it is actually a great city - did you know the first ever lamington was made there? We’re pretty iconic.

You are writing some really beautiful music with some lovely and innovative sounds. One of my favourites in this regard is the spaghetti western guitar sounds. Do these come from specific influences or are you just drawn to this style of melody and sound?

Yee and I cannot stress this enough, haw. My dad is a straight up cowboy and we bond over all things country music. I grew up going to rodeos with him so there’s always been that influence in my upbringing.

What inspires you to do what you do with your music?

My emotions :’(

You release your creative energy through a number of outlets - photography (Dusky Jonze), Illustration (Spectator Jonze) and music with Jaguar Jonze. Do you systematically focus time towards one of these projects at a time or do you just work on what you are feeling day by day?

I usually work with what I’m feeling day by day guided by the commitments I may have for each of those projects. The beauty of having the 3 projects is that I get to keep my days spicy for my overactive brain.

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Where did the idea of ‘The Jonzes’ come from?

I had ‘Jaguar Jonze’ ready for my music project for ages but to be honest it actually started because I couldn’t think of a better name for my art project because I kept coming up with things like ‘Deena Doodles’ and ‘Deena Got An iPad’ so I decided to turn it into a creative cult family.

Have soup as the only meal for the rest of your life or only have one outfit for the rest of your life?

Mate, the only way to my heart is through my stomach so there is no way I’m going on a soup diet. I’ll just pick a solid one outfit that caters to all seasons, weather and will be both smart and casual.

Never hear music again? Or every second song you hear is who let the dogs out?

Is this where I tell you that I DJ’d a dog festival this year and I was that DJ who played who let the dogs out?

What is next for you and your many creative projects?

Remixes of who let the dogs out so shit doesn’t get mundane when I have to listen to it every second song in my life hahahaha.

I’ve got an upcoming Spectator Jonze exhibition in conjunction with Logan Art Gallery and Logan Hospital at the end of the year which I’ve started working on. Jaguar Jonze will have a third single towards the end of the year as well. I’m also working on a secret body of work for Dusky Jonze that I’ll keep on chipping away at.

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